Posts tagged sharon steed
Maintaining Empathy During Challenging and Transitional Times
Sharon Steedempathy, empathy in communication, Sharon steed empathy, sharon steed, empathetic communication, inclusion, diversity and inclusion, belonging, culture, covid, pandemic, leadership, communication skills
Silence kills collaboration
empathy, collaboration, communicationSharon Steedcollaboration, empathy, empathy in communication, leadership, collaborative behaviors, silence kills collaboration, how to talk to humans, sharon steed, sharon steed empathy
What I learned speaking at 12 conferences in 6 months
Speaking, stutteringSharon Steedstuttering, railsconf, rubyconf colombia, madison plus ruby, tech conferences, keynote, sharon steed, dockercon, djangocon
What do we really have to be afraid of?
stuttering, fear, psychologySharon Steedfear, facing fear, sharon steed writer, nanoblogmo, sharon steed speaker, sharon steed, the psychology behind fear, stuttering, stutter
The psychology behind speech
psychology, stuttering, speaking, writingSharon Steedsharon steed, stuttering, psychology behind speech, speech language pathology, sharon steed speaker, sharon steed chicago, speechirl, nanoblogmo, stutter, communication
On fear, wanting to quit and doing it anyway
stuttering, speakingSharon Steednanoblogmo, sharon steed, madison plus ruby, stuttering, madison plus, self improvement, vulnerability, chicago bloggers, stutter, conquering fear